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ABLD In The News!

ABLD In The News!

ABLD has had a busy summer and we wanted to keep you posted! 

We have been featured in an article by Joleen Jernigan of The Austinot, as well as our first radio interview with WZRD 88.3 in Chicago!  That article can be found here: https://austinot.com/firefly-cloak-austin We embedded ourselves with Joleen and her cadre of friends over a few nights in Austin, helping them experience firsthand what we call "Cloakmagic" and the instant celebrity that comes with wearing a Firefly Cloak.  Good times were had by all, including a raucous "Ladies' Funk Night" at local watering hole, The Sahara Lounge!

Appropriately, the radio station in Chicago called the "Wizard" has aired an interview with Jason Balcauski, co-founder.  Interviewed by the multi-talented DJ, Ed Shafer, Jason takes a deep dive into the beginnings of ABLD and the evolution of our nascent startup.  Trials, tribulations, fears and opportunities all were discussed in this far ranging interview.  We hope to show the bright future of where we plan on taking the company from our humble birth, and how we plan to bring more light to your night and glow to your soul!  We will post the audio to our YouTube account shortly.

Finally, we would like to announce a new partnership and channel partner, Astral Hoops (pictured) the leader in LED flow art gear!  Gerry Gilligan, co-founder, met with Astral at Hulaween in Live Oak, Florida last year.  Admiring their unbelievable LED hula hoops, staffs, wands, poi and other custom designed gear, he made fast friends with their founder, B.J. Nolletti.  B.J. agreed to start carrying their first LED clothing item, the Firefly Cloak, to Electric Forest (www.electricforestfestival.com) in their booth.  We could not be more excited to pair with a high quality product, friendly staff, customer oriented team like Astral Hoops!  Look for us in the Forest this weekend!

Please tune in and share our article with friends and family!  We really appreciate the support!

  • View the Austinot article on their site and share on your socials (https://austinot.com)
  • If you are not in the Chicago area, go to https://bit.ly/2mpBXM6 to livestream WZRD at 9pm Central

If you see the Astral Hoops booth at your favorite festival this year, please stop in and meet their team and check out the Firefly Cloaks that they have for sale!